I would like to thank all of my friends and family for helping with the Himalaya Bay Hurricane Sergio recovery fundraiser. My special Thanx goes to Adrian Cardoni who was the driving force that made this event run smoothly and resulted in a great turn out. Others who helped and deserve recognition are as follows: Keith Ferguson, Larry Berndt, Meg Chandler, Linda Kurick, Jose Olivas, David Rabb, Mike Mallozzi, Ron Prince and Deb Prince. Many Thanks to all the great people who showed up and donated: their time, items for the auction, purchased items at the silent auction and their donations of money to be used for rebuilding the Himalaya Bay Diving/Camping trips. The turnout was staggering and a wake-up call for all the people that feel as I do it is worth the effort to keep it going with your support.
-Del Randall